Friday, April 1, 2016

Country Economic Data Template

Name: Arianna Bessette Date: April 1 2016 Block:__________
Economics - Collecting Economic Data to determine if a Country is a  Developed Nation. 
Directions - Use Culture Grams to find information about two countries. The countries need to be different continents and different from other class members. 
Country Name: Germany Continent: Europe
  1.  Find your country -  Where is your country located.   Highlight on Printed Map. Then and click on it.  Then 
  2.   In the Did You Know? – section choose 1 interesting fact, and the best choice would be something connected to economics. - copy and paste or write  it below. 

3. Now go pass the Countries flag to Country Data and fill in the following information
Country Data
Population  (rank= 80,854,408)
Area (sq. mi.)  (rank= 137,847)
Human Development Index  6 of  187 countries
Gender Inequality Index  3 of 152
GDP (PPP) per capita  44,700
Adult Literacy 99 (male); 99 (female)
Infant Mortality  3.46  per 1,000 births
Life Expectancy  79 (male);  83  (female)
Currency    Euro Create MLA citation. 

4.  Look on the left side bar and click on the title that will  give the following information 
Population  80,854,408 Growth Rate: -0.17% Urban Population 75.09%
Number of Languages Spoken? 3
Official Language: German
Religions: Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Christian
Diet(list some foods/ dishes) Potatoes, Noodles, Cabbage, Dumplings, Sauces, Vegetables, Pastries
5.  Government 
Structure - what kind of government? Federal Parliamentary Republic
Other interesting information? Nope

6.  Economy
GDP 3,621 Per Capital 44,700
What do they produce?   What gives them Export Revenue (money) 
What do you they export: Cars, televisions, steel and aluminum
Industries: Construction, Manufacturing, and other service industries
Skilled / Unskilled Issues?

7. Transportation
Internet Users (per 100 people) 86.19  Cellular Phone Subscriptions 120.42
Paved Roads  100%
Other interesting info? 

8. Education 
Adult Literacy 99%   Mean years of Schooling 12.9

9.  Would you categorize this country - a developed country/ nation or a Less Developed Country - why or why not? 

10. Copy and Past this into your blog. then save this word document and print it. 
11.  Next - now complete the information for your second country. 
12.  Copy your blogs URL (website address) to the Class Economic Webpage

13. After you have completed the  data / information for both countries, collect some of the following information to place in a blog entry - called Images, Flag, Maps for  “Your Country”.   This will be used later in your research paper. and will give you extra credit until then.